Wholesale Butchers.
Open to the General Public – 7 Days a week
0191 2377375
0191 2377375

About Prime Cut Butchers
I bought my first butcher’s shop in Church Way, North shields, on 1st April, 1971 – decimalisation day when we changed currency. What a day! The business had been trading long before that time, owned by a nice gentleman called Herbie Robson. Herbie had a son who did not want to carry on the business so Herbie sold the business to me.Things were very different in those days, no refrigerated counters or window, only a cold store out back. I soon modernised the shop installing refrigeration, tiling etc. Trade increased rapidly and the shop became renowned for the quality of the meat and the reasonable prices. Over the next 20 years I opened a number of shops throughout the North East, trading as Malcolm Dawson Quality Butchers.
Contact or Visit Us
Double Row, Seaton Delaval, NE25 0PPTel: 0191 237 7375
Email: prime.cut@btconnect.comOpening Hours
Monday - Wednesday - 8:30 - 5:00 Thursday - Saturday - 8:30 - 5:30 Sunday - 10:00 - 4:00
Prime Cut Wholesale Butchers